1. My one years old cake is BLUE..
2.My sister was born when i was two!! crying until cannot
breath because of jealousy..that's what my mom told me..
3.When i was three..me n my sister was a good friend=)
4.On this age..my mom delivered my brother..this time i'm making
something that i cannot forget..i rather sleep outside the house because
i really hate to see my grandma hugging my brother..actually..he was so
cute with his white blanket covered him...but i still don't want to look
at the new baby..
5.Hurmm..my first school is Brentnall Primary School in
Salford United Kingdom..sometimes i go to school by cab or walking
Salford United Kingdom..sometimes i go to school by cab or walking
with my mom or dad because we live in Manchester...
6.Still in the same school..love to read story books about castle, princesses,
prince,fairy,goblin,elf..but just english story books because i never read bahasa melayu.. and my bahasa melayu was so bad.. I only know how to write and read in english at that time.. So my 1st reading and writing language is english...
7.Now i'm back..So, i studied in Sekolah Rendah KebangsaanPadang Sebang Alor Gajah,
Melaka..My english teacher really likes me because its easy to teach me.. Still cute in UK slangs bebeh.. Felt stress in bahasa melayu class.. How hard BM subject at that time..
After 4month..i went to the other school which is Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan
Mantin, Negeri Sembilan...this time i was really good in arts..my mom
delivered my fourth brother....
8.My family move to my atok's kampung..so i went to other school which is
Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan Serom 3,Muar..the popular girl in school was me
because i'm cute (yeahh!!!) and my uncle was a teacher..
Then,i move to Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan Bandar Baru Uda Dua,
Johor Bahru...i studied in 2 Zamrud..and my class teacher was Puan Azizah..
Start to wear tudung everytime i want to step out the house..
9.Still in the same school..love playing with the boys..love eating ice-cream and
my pocket money was 50sen per day..for sekolah kebangsaan and sekolah agama..
my mom delivered my fifth siblings..he is a boy n boy n boy...it's better than
having a baby girl..we...dislike baby girls..that's what me n my sister agreed..
10.Now..i was in 4Nilam which is the third class from seventh in BBU school..
i proud of myself..in this age..some guy likes me but i don't take notice about
them..i'm still a child..don't want to know anything about LOVE...
11.Ooohh..nooo..we were moving to Melaka..so i studied in Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan
Ayer Keroh, Melaka..hurrmm..active in story telling..and won the third prize..yeaaayyy!!!
my younger brother was born...
12.My upsr just 2a..it was so bad..ooowwhh...
13.This year i'm studying in Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Tun Mutahir,
Batu Berendam Melaka..i can't not accept that i was going to be part of this school
cause i wish that i could be in the same school with my cousin in Sekolah Agama
Repah, Negeri Sembilan..
14.I believe that i have to finish study in this school..i have friends now..i'm really
good in performing in front of people..MC is my job..my teachers would love to
pick me cause i can speak loud..
15.My pmr was still bad...i think..2a..ouucchhh..
16.I was sent to other school in Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Ayer Keroh,
Taman Tasek Utama, Melaka..I was in science class..can i make it??
17.I was really active in pidato piala diraja..pesta pantun daerah..compose lagu
untuk pertandingan nasyid peringkat daerah..bersajak..active in sports too..
olahraga..win gold..netball also daerah..secretary pengawas..treasurer for rumah
hijau..vice president for english society..president for puteri islam club..
No one ever say no to kak Fiya..hehe
My family move to Taman Munshi Ibrahim Johor Bahru...
18.My spm was no a's at all and i've cried for the whole year..yeah..
i really hate myself this year..sooo bad that i couldn't tell..
So..my parents had made their decision sending me to Pusat Tusyen
Gerbang Bestari at JB...I have to complete my second spm study with different
This is the hardest part of my life..my friends kept telling about their new life
in university but how about me? i still have nothing to show off..
cry cry cry..crying in the bathroom..under the hot shower..
at 2 to 3a.m everyday..thinking about my future..
19.This year..my sun rising brightly when Politeknik Merlimau invited me to be
part of their student january intake..with my old spm (that i hated so much)
Diploma in Accounting is my course..later..my second spm result was arrived..
i get better result..more A's..alhamdulillah..specially my science is A1..
20.I've been practical in Majlis Bandaraya Melaka Bersejarah and at this moment is
the sweet and lovely memory i ever had before...so appreciate everything this
year..i have lots of new and matured friends...and also i can drive!!WWooo!!!
21.Hurrmm..I had an accident on 1 July 2009..it was a bad bad bad nightmare i couldn't forget..But..my 21th is the best among the best year.. Two times celebrating my birthday.. first wif my family and the second one wif my fwens.. My 21 also shows that i have to be more mature..i can't forget my 21years b'coz i've achieved what i dreamed for..i'll having my convocation next year..yeaayy!!!